Notas rápidas
Capturas de pantalla

[Glyph of the Armsmaster]

Esta misión ya no está disponible en el juego.
[[TEMP TEXT] Obtain the Crimson Blood of Oban Oju, the Jet-Black Ichor of Kak'charrik, and the Azure Blood of Sparky.]
Sangre azur de Chispitas (1)
Sangre carmesí de Oban Oju (1)
Icor negro azabache de Kak'charrik (1)


[[TEMP TEXT] I understand - you need this scroll properly inscribed. I have the vellum, but a text like this deserves bold colors: colors which come at a cost. Standard inks will not do.

There are beasts here in the Vale... beasts of legend which carry the colors I need. I can show you where to find them.]


Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33003))

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