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[Weapons Of Our Enemies]

Esta misión fue marcada como obsoleta por Blizzard y no puede ser obtenida o completada.
[Collect 4 Sargerei Weapons.

If you lose your disguise, kill Sargerei enemies to collect a Sargerei Cowl, Sargerei Robe, and Sargerei Slippers to create a Sargerei Disguise.]
Sargerei Weapons (4)


[We are doing well, initiate. We are close to gaining access to the council's chambers.

Meanwhile, our subterfuge will continue. Atop the hill to the northeast, you will find the Sargerei training grounds.

For months they have been hammering, forging, and crafting the finest weapons to equip into battle.

We can undo their work in only moments, <nombre>.

Steal their weapons. Let us see if they can still strike, then.]




Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35193))

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