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[Putting Trash to Good Use]

[Collect 6 Soothsayer's Dusts by disenchanting Discarded Weapons found around the grounds of the Darkmoon Faire.]
Polvo de veritas (6)
Arma desechada (6)


[People don't just come to the faire for fun and fortunes, <nombre>. Most want something to take home with them, so I help to create the magical trinkets visitors purchase with their prize tickets.

For that, I need a steady supply of soothsayer's dust. Take a look around the grounds and you'll see a lot of discarded weapons. Those are just the kinds of items that can be broken down into dust with enchanting skills like yours. Would you like to help?]


Ficha de juego de la Luna Negra Vale de la Luna Negra


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Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29510))

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