Notas rápidas
Capturas de pantalla

Regalos de los caídos

Esta misión fue marcada como obsoleta por Blizzard y no puede ser obtenida o completada.
Habla con Mathias Shaw.
Habla con Mathias Shaw (1)


Earlier today, King Wrynn addressed the citizens of Stormwind at Lion's Rest in a speech given to formally announce the end of the war. After the crowd departed, I met privately with the King and his advisors to discuss a mysterious substance that has been found in Silithus. This glowing ore appears to be most powerful and the Horde has wasted no time in extracting it from the great wound. The king has ordered me to fill you in on the details, in preparation for an important mission.




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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(49976))

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